
13 Mayıs 2023 Cumartesi

Crime and Punishment

here is a chapter list for "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Part 1:

  • Chapter 1-2: The novel begins on a hot evening in 1860s Saint Petersburg, where a young man named Raskolnikov sneaks out of his boardinghouse because he owes money.
  • Chapter 3-4: Raskolnikov wallows in his isolation the next day, with his landlady having stopped sending him food because of his debts.
  • Chapter 5-6: Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother and sister, who are coming to visit him in the city. He goes to meet them, but an encounter with a drunken government clerk sets him off.
  • Chapter 7-8: Raskolnikov wanders around the city, consumed by his thoughts, and eventually visits a pawnbroker named Alyona Ivanovna. He discusses the possibility of killing her with a hatchet.
  • Chapter 9-10: Raskolnikov spends the next few days in a feverish state, obsessing over the murder and the potential consequences. He eventually goes to see the pawnbroker again.

Part 2:

  • Chapter 1: The second part of the novel begins with Raskolnikov's feverish dreams of a plague-ridden city.
  • Chapter 2-3: Raskolnikov is interrogated by the police, but manages to avoid suspicion for the time being. He also becomes acquainted with a young woman named Sonia, who is forced into prostitution to support her family.
  • Chapter 4-5: Raskolnikov receives a visit from his friend Razumikhin, who helps him deal with his deteriorating mental state. Meanwhile, Sonia's father returns home, throwing the family into chaos.
  • Chapter 6-7: Raskolnikov has a chance encounter with Porfiry Petrovich, a police detective who suspects him of the murder. Meanwhile, Sonia's stepmother arrives, creating further tensions in the household.
  • Chapter 8-9: Raskolnikov's mental state continues to deteriorate, as he becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional. He also visits Sonia, confessing his crime to her.
  • Chapter 10: Raskolnikov prepares to turn himself in to the police.

9 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba

On the Shape, Location, and Size of Dante's Inferno

Dante'nin Cehennemi Üzerine Dersler-Galileo


Since the publication of Divine Comedy in 1314, scholars had attempted to map the physical features of Dante's Inferno, such as the blasted valleys, caverns and the roiling rivers of fire.[3] In his lectures Galileo suggested that many commonly accepted dimensions did not stand up to mathematical scrutiny. Using complex geometrical analysis, Galileo calculated that Vellutello's description of the hell's structure, such as the massive cylinders descending to the center of the Earth, would, in reality, collapse under their own weight.

Firstly Galileo tried to estimate the width of the hell's vaulted roof.[1] According to Dante, the centre of the roof lay in Jerusalem: "Already the Sun was joined to the horizon / Whose meridian circle covers / Jerusalem with its highest point". To prove Dante's description of the Sun being "joined to the horizon", Galileo interpreted this to mean that the diameter of hell's circle must be equal to the radius of the Earth.[1] This meant that the boundary of the roof on the west would pass through Marseille in France and through Tashkent in modern-day Uzbekistan on the east.[1] Galileo then tried to estimate the roof's thickness which would have to prevent its collapse on the captives beneath. He tried to scale up the dome of the Florence Cathedral (known to be 45 metres wide but only 3 metres thick) and concluded that the roof of hell would have to be 600 kilometres thick.[1]


4 Ekim 2015 Pazar

28 Eylül 2015 Pazartesi

Vivaldi-La Quattro Stagioni

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