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13 Mayıs 2023 Cumartesi

Crime and Punishment

here is a chapter list for "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Part 1:

  • Chapter 1-2: The novel begins on a hot evening in 1860s Saint Petersburg, where a young man named Raskolnikov sneaks out of his boardinghouse because he owes money.
  • Chapter 3-4: Raskolnikov wallows in his isolation the next day, with his landlady having stopped sending him food because of his debts.
  • Chapter 5-6: Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother and sister, who are coming to visit him in the city. He goes to meet them, but an encounter with a drunken government clerk sets him off.
  • Chapter 7-8: Raskolnikov wanders around the city, consumed by his thoughts, and eventually visits a pawnbroker named Alyona Ivanovna. He discusses the possibility of killing her with a hatchet.
  • Chapter 9-10: Raskolnikov spends the next few days in a feverish state, obsessing over the murder and the potential consequences. He eventually goes to see the pawnbroker again.

Part 2:

  • Chapter 1: The second part of the novel begins with Raskolnikov's feverish dreams of a plague-ridden city.
  • Chapter 2-3: Raskolnikov is interrogated by the police, but manages to avoid suspicion for the time being. He also becomes acquainted with a young woman named Sonia, who is forced into prostitution to support her family.
  • Chapter 4-5: Raskolnikov receives a visit from his friend Razumikhin, who helps him deal with his deteriorating mental state. Meanwhile, Sonia's father returns home, throwing the family into chaos.
  • Chapter 6-7: Raskolnikov has a chance encounter with Porfiry Petrovich, a police detective who suspects him of the murder. Meanwhile, Sonia's stepmother arrives, creating further tensions in the household.
  • Chapter 8-9: Raskolnikov's mental state continues to deteriorate, as he becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional. He also visits Sonia, confessing his crime to her.
  • Chapter 10: Raskolnikov prepares to turn himself in to the police.

7 Aralık 2010 Salı

Descartes'çı Bilgi Kuramının Temellendirilişi

AFŞAR TİMUÇİN-Descartes'çı Bilgi Kuramının Temellendirilişi

Ortaçağ'ı oluşturan toplumsal ve kültürel değerler Descartes doğmadan çok önce sarsılmış, yeni bir çağın ilk ışıkları çoktan kendini göstermişti. Başlamakta olan Yeniçağ'a imzasını atan Descartes'ın sorunları işleyişindeki sıra da göz önünde tutularak, önce öznenini nesneye yönelişini belirleyen yöntem anlayışı, sonra da özne ile nesnenin yapıları ve karşılıklı konumlarının incelendiği bir çalışma.(İdefix.com)
Bu kitap ile birlikte okunması gerekn eserlerden biri de hiç şüphesiz "Alexandre Koyre"'nin "Kapalı Dünyadan Sozsuz Evrene" isimli çalışması olmalı. bu kitap Cusa'lı Nicholas'tan başlayıp, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz ile karşılaştırmalı birlim tarihini anlatıyor olmasıdır. Daha geniş açıklama için aşağıdaki kaynaklara ve Alexandre Koyre başlığı altında yayınlanan yere bakabilirsiniz.

18 Kasım 2007 Pazar


Onceki kitabı kadar beni çekmeyen ancak kurgu olarak ayni tonda giden bir kitap.

Kitab-ül Hiyel (1996)



18 Ekim 2007 Perşembe