
13 Mayıs 2023 Cumartesi

Crime and Punishment

here is a chapter list for "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Part 1:

  • Chapter 1-2: The novel begins on a hot evening in 1860s Saint Petersburg, where a young man named Raskolnikov sneaks out of his boardinghouse because he owes money.
  • Chapter 3-4: Raskolnikov wallows in his isolation the next day, with his landlady having stopped sending him food because of his debts.
  • Chapter 5-6: Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother and sister, who are coming to visit him in the city. He goes to meet them, but an encounter with a drunken government clerk sets him off.
  • Chapter 7-8: Raskolnikov wanders around the city, consumed by his thoughts, and eventually visits a pawnbroker named Alyona Ivanovna. He discusses the possibility of killing her with a hatchet.
  • Chapter 9-10: Raskolnikov spends the next few days in a feverish state, obsessing over the murder and the potential consequences. He eventually goes to see the pawnbroker again.

Part 2:

  • Chapter 1: The second part of the novel begins with Raskolnikov's feverish dreams of a plague-ridden city.
  • Chapter 2-3: Raskolnikov is interrogated by the police, but manages to avoid suspicion for the time being. He also becomes acquainted with a young woman named Sonia, who is forced into prostitution to support her family.
  • Chapter 4-5: Raskolnikov receives a visit from his friend Razumikhin, who helps him deal with his deteriorating mental state. Meanwhile, Sonia's father returns home, throwing the family into chaos.
  • Chapter 6-7: Raskolnikov has a chance encounter with Porfiry Petrovich, a police detective who suspects him of the murder. Meanwhile, Sonia's stepmother arrives, creating further tensions in the household.
  • Chapter 8-9: Raskolnikov's mental state continues to deteriorate, as he becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional. He also visits Sonia, confessing his crime to her.
  • Chapter 10: Raskolnikov prepares to turn himself in to the police.